The three magical tricks to control your ADULT ACNE

Extra-facial acne or truncal acne are present on back, chest and shoulders.

Reduce Back acne or in short “bacne”, by following these 7 easy tips:

1. Wash your body and remove your sweat off immediately after your workout and swimming

2. Change to loose-fitting, breathable clothes post workout

3. Wash your back once more, to remove excess remnants of conditioner and oils, after your hair wash

4. Avoid using loofahs or scrubs to wash your back, wash and clean them if you use them

5. Reduce excess friction due to bra straps and tight activewear

6. Stop consuming excess whey protein advised by your gym trainers that can exacerbate back acne

7. Use a benzoyl peroxide face wash or spray for your back, salicylic cleanser for exfoliation

Consult Dr. Meena today and find an appropriate solution for your “bacne” and extra-facial acne.

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