Do you know when a steaming hot soup bowl helped to relieve your cold? And when, in the interest of boosting muscle strength, newborn's oil massage is done? We all know these indigenous remedies: Haldi doodh helps to heal wounds more quickly. The tulsi-adrak chai is helping to relieve a headache.
In this blog by Team DigiQure, following five home remedies and the logic behind using them is talked upon.
- Treat cough by using Honey and ginger.
- Oil treatment helps to strengthen the bones of children and boost their immunity.
- Turmeric milk helps relieve pains and anxiety in the body and improves immunity in general.
- Soup helps to treat common cold and flu.
- Have lemon juice with rock salt to get rid of stomach ache.
Common cold can be treated at home in the initial stages. But when it's terrible, see a physician!