The world is in a state of disaster right now where not just cities but entire countries are being locked down. We’re already practicing social distancing but humans are social animals. We’re wired to be connected. It’s obvious that thoughts of lockdown & social distancing will leave you anxious and fearful.
Humans are fighting this scary virus that’s rapidly spreading across the globe and we know it. Everyone is combating this deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) originated from Wuhan (China):
- Our frontline warriors by treating the ones infected with the virus and
- We the common people, by staying in our homes preventing ourselves and others
Whether it is our morning news not letting us take a sigh of relief or some stories from nearby localities, we’re constantly fearful of this invisible enemy. And let’s understand the obvious – it’s spreading fast, there’s no vaccine yet AND precaution is the only measure.

Oh wait! Take a minute!
Everything around us has gone for a toss but amidst all the chaos, it’s time for us to be opportunistic and make the most of the time we’ve got! We’ve never been as connected when we’re isolated.
Everyone is making great sacrifices by staying home & protecting their health & that of others from Coronavirus. Here are some ideas to make the most of this lockdown while keeping yourself and your family safe, healthy and stress free.
Stop following every-minute-news
Amidst this COVID-19 pandemic, everyone’s anxious about the next piece of information that’ll hit the doors. News channels are definitely helping us know what’s happening around the world and it’s good to stay informed. At the same time, distance yourself from using social media as a means to circulate fake information.
Having said that, being a news junkie by obsessively watching the same information over and over can add to increased fear and anxiety. Continuously thinking about what might be happening and it’s consequences, you are posing a high risk to your mental health, peace and stability which in turn will affect your loved ones too.

Start to Meditate
It’s not the time to produce unwanted stress and panic. We’ve always been complaining about not having enough time for health. What are you doing now? The problem is “We know, but we Don’t Understand”.
When the universe has given you a wonderful opportunity, why not make the most of if. Practice meditation daily for at least 15 minutes. Do it twice. Daily.
Daily meditation will help you reduce stress & stay balanced so that you don’t get buried into the negatives like fear and anxiety. Moreover, meditation stimulates your brain’s relaxation response to situations thus improving your emotional health.

Remind yourself of reasons not to worry
We’ve all been ordered to stay home for a while now. The world is locked down. Is this a situation to be worried about, or is it a good thing that we’ve already prepped ourselves to combat this cruel Coronavirus? Everything has two sides, it’s our call which side to fall on.
Ask yourself, “What have I been doing to keep myself and the family protected?” “Why should I feel safe?” “Are the precautions I’m taking enough to prevent this pandemic affect me?” Stand in front of the mirror and assure yourself that you are actually taking measures and that the virus cannot enter your home. Follow World Health Organisation (WHO) & Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines.

Be Active
Agree or not, many of us are not at all health conscious. Again, we know how important it is to be healthy & fit, but we never act! We can talk for hours on why to exercise daily but fail to follow ourselves. Reason – Lack of Time. Well, if not now, then when? You’ve got all the time in the world now. Being active in such a pandemic, when we can not even step out of homes, has become more important than ever.
Few health conscious people too, who pay quite a lot to gymnasiums and instructors, can practice their routine body weight exercises to stay fit. Now is the time you can have family workout sessions and get everyone in your family involved.

Believe, Have Faith
Rest assured, the government is taking important steps and is deeply focussed on combating this deadly virus. All we’ve to do is keep our calm and act wisely. This too shall pass and we will definitely emerge stronger than ever.
And if nothing helps take professional help. DigiQure is a healthcare technology platform which has doctors from diverse fields including mental health, psychology, cognitive behavioural therapy. Install free DigiQure app on your android phone and consult with doctors.
We shall overcome, one day!