Welcome back! This is the right place if you’re seeking for best Ayurvedic treatments related to skin problems. This is a blog series where we are covering the below topics:
- Sebaceous
- Whiteheads
- Blackheads
- Papules
- Pustules
- Nodules
We discussed Sebaceous Acne in our last blog. The next topic we will cover in this blog series is Whiteheads and how to deal with it. Let’s move ahead in our blog series by discussing whiteheads, their symptoms, causes and treatments.
Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old healing system that was establish in India. Although it is not a conventional therapy, conditions such as whiteheads prove to be very effective. Whiteheads Ayurvedic treatment can help with these issues because they balance the body’s dosha (Vata, pitta, and Kapha) through specific remedies that target each individual’s constitution using herbs and oils.
The Importance of Ayurvedic Treatments in the Right Place at the Right Time
When dealing with skin or other issues, it is essential to know the right place to go. Excellent Ayurvedic treatment can help rejuvenate your skin and clear up any problems that you may be experiencing.
The best places to go for an Ayurvedic treatment are the ones that offer a holistic approach to dealing with your health issue. R-Oxygen Skin Clinic will help you find solutions for all your health problems rather than just addressing one part of them.
When seeking out an Ayurvedic treatment, it is essential to think about what type of skin troubles you are dealing with. Many different issues can be addressed with Ayurveda, so it is necessary to understand which type you are struggling with.
What are Whiteheads?
Whiteheads are small pimples that appear on the skin surface. Clogged pores and sebaceous glands cause whiteheads. It can also be due to acne, pregnancy, and hormones.

Symptoms of Whiteheads
Various symptoms will let you determine you have Whiteheads:
- Whiteheads usually appear when you have been sweating heavily. Whiteheads are small, white bumps that appear on the skin when exposed to increased salt and moisture levels. The heat from a sauna or from exercising in the heat also causes whiteheads. These blackheads appear due to increased nutrients in the sweat.
- It can be unsightly and can make your skin look rough and bumpy in some areas.
- There is a pus-filled whitehead that appears when it ruptures or drains from its pus.
Causes of Whiteheads
Overproduction of sebum causes Whiteheads, which is the oily discharge from the glands in your skin. These sebum glands can become clogged due to an accumulation of dead skin cells and oil, and this causes a blackhead. Other causes are:
- Sun and pollution exposure
- Washing your face too often
- Using too many facial products
- Picking skin
- Acne medication
What are the Treatments of Whiteheads?
Generally, whiteheads treat with over-the-counter medications like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which can be purchase at drug stores. More invasive treatments like chemical peels and laser therapy can remove them when these treatments don’t work.
Treatments for whiteheads include:
- Benzoyl peroxide
- Salicylic acid
- Chemical peels
- Laser therapy
There are also many Ayurvedic treatments of whiteheads.

What about Whiteheads Ayurvedic Treatment?
Ayurvedic treatment for whiteheads is an ancient Indian household remedy that has been for centuries. This natural medicine consists of anti-inflammatory herbs and helps get rid of whiteheads without any side effects. Some people also use it to reduce inflammation of facial redness caused by acne vulgaris by smoothing out the pores and drying excess oil.
The treatment uses herbs, oils, and lotions to address various skin disorders. These ayurvedic treatments are to remove whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and other skin issues brought on by clogged sebaceous glands. You can use a homemade scrub, such as a paste made from baking soda and water to help remove dead skin cells and sebum from the skin.
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- One tablespoon water
- Mix to create a thick paste
- Apply the paste to the whiteheads and blackheads
Some treatments include using milk thistle to calm inflammation, using turmeric to prevent blackheads, using aloe vera to eliminate bacteria and reduce redness, and using chamomile tea to relieve pain caused by inflammation.
The other treatments are castor oil packs, guava seed scrub and a mixture of milk and honey.
Home Remedies for Whiteheads
The treatments for whiteheads are home remedies, including using a toothbrush, using a cup of saltwater, and applying a warm compress.
Below are some of the home remedies for whiteheads:
- Dab a bit of honey on a cotton ball and then place it on the whitehead.
- Apply fresh lemon juice to the whiteheads
- Apply a warm compress to the whiteheads
The best treatment for these bumps is to exfoliate them regularly using a scraper, pumice stone or loofah.
Self-care Tips for Whiteheads
Whiteheads are unsightly, painful, and can be challenging to treat. They usually form in areas where skin pores clogg with oil, sweat, dirt, or bacteria. Tips for avoiding whiteheads include:
• Remove makeup before bed and throughout the day.
• Use a gentle cleanser with salicylic acid to unclog pores and prevent the formation of whiteheads.
• Avoid using products with alcohol and retinoids on the same area of the face simultaneously as these ingredients can cause irritation that leads to clogged pores.
For people who suffer from whiteheads can be pretty irritating. Clogged pores that trap sebum and dead skin cells, which may oxidize to form a white or yellowhead, causes Whiteheads. Contact Us today or book an online consultation for the treatment of whiteheads.